The new partnership adds Saudi money to Turkey’s logistical support.
It was a bit of a logistical nightmare, but it all worked out, he said.
We’ve encountered a number of logistical problems when it comes to e-cars.
It was carrying logistical supplies for bases on other Indonesian islands.
Washington has given intelligence and logistical support to the coalition.
The people arrested are suspected of providing logistical support for the attacks.
“The logistical part of both events is important because we change place every day.
There were many logistical challenges to recruiting patients during the acute period, he said.
54597 And the loss of the area has created logistical headaches for the jihadists, Terry said.
464207 logistical difficulties involving capacity at Nusakambangan were also cited as a reason.
How to manage 14 teams and keep the event a reasonable length, however, is a logistical puzzle.
They’ve got financial challenges, logistical challenges in terms of education for kids and what not.
She feels it’s unreasonable to expect people to bear those kinds of financial and logistical burdens.
Germany is on the verge of a logistical nightmare– and needs to get its ‘Migrationpolitik’ in order.