in a tearing hurry in a sentence

Use “in a tearing hurry” in a sentence | “in a tearing hurry” example sentences

1- Alice was in a tearing hurry as usual.

2- I was late for the match and in a tearing hurry.

3- She was er er she was really Mrs she was in a tearing hurry !

4- To me he appears to be in a tearing hurry for the PM’s chair!

5- She was sorry for this little man and his problem but she was in a tearing hurry .

6- Principe , she frowned, as Lucenzo started the engine and slid out into St Mark’s Basin as if he was in a tearing hurry .

7- The next issue in 1861 had to be prepared in a tearing hurry (the aim was to prevent the Confederacy from converting previous U.S. stamps into cash), and as a result, no thought was given to appropriate stamp subjects: on each denomination the same statesman was depicted as in the previous series.

8- in 1893, she published the book “Woman, Church and State”, which was “written in a tearing hurry and in time snatched from a political activism which left no space for original research.

9- They all headed for the door, with that slightly stiff gait of people who are in a tearing hurry , but who are trying not to break into a run.

10- ‘I was late for the match and in a tearing hurry .

11- If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she’s wearing your best sweater. ~Pam Brown

12- “The Case of the Terrified Typist” (1956) – After a temporary typist who enjoys trick photography has left Mason’s office in a tearing hurry , he and Della find some diamonds stuck in chewing gum on the bottom of her desk.

Related Words:
tears stream downbitter tearshot tearstear-stainedtear offtear loosetear your hair outin a tearing hurrythat’s torn ittear a hole intear opentear it to piecestear it to shredstear it in twotear it apart

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