Use corse in a sentence - Example Sentences for corse
No question but her name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our Agenbuyer, Healer and Herd, our mighty mother and mother most venerable and Bernardus saith aptly that She hath an omnipotentiam deiparae supplicem, that is to wit, an almightiness of petition because she is the second Eve and she won us, saith Augustine too, whereas that other, our grandam, which we are linked up with by successive anastomosis of navelcords sold us all, seed, breed and generation, for a penny pippin.
The darksome cave they enter, where they find, That cursed man, low sitting on the ground, Musing full sadly in his sullen mind; His greasy locks, long growing and unbound, Disordered hung about his shoulders round, And hid his face; through which his hollow eyne, Look'd deadly dull, and stared as astound; His raw bone cheeks thro' penury and pine, Were shrunk into his jaws, as he did never dine, His garments nought, but many ragged clouts, With thorns together pinn'd and patched was, The which his naked sides he wrapt abouts; And him beside, there lay upon the grass A dreary corse, whose life away did pass, All wallowed in his own, yet luke-warm blood, That from his wound yet welled fresh alas; In which a rusty knife fast fixed stood, And made an open passage for the gushing flood.
He comes to attend the bridalday [Page 172] of his son; he finds him a lifeless corse.
I clasp'd her Corse to my warm [Page 72] Bosom, as though I expected to restore it to Life by transfusing my Soul into it.
He then insisted on having the Lid of the Coffin removed, and bending over, he cast his old Body on the Corse; again he rose and gazed upon it, and clapping his Hands with a Shout, Is this my World, he cried, the Whole of my Possessions? As soon as ye have done the last offices to this wretched corse, dig under the seventh tree on the left hand of this poor cave, and your pains will-Oh! good heaven receive my soul!” With those words the devout man breathed his last. “By break of day,” continued Frederic, “when we had committed the holy relics to earth, we dug according to direction.
Isabella and her women tore Hippolita from the corse; but Theodore threatened destruction to all who attempted to remove him from it.
I do not mean by this notice to call even for justice against his assassin, but only hope that your humanity and friendship may be able to defend his hapless corse from any further indignity or outrage."’ To this billet I did not subscribe any name, but got my kind hostess to send [Page 189] it off immediately to the inn, by one of the villagers, who was instructed not to say from whence he came, nor to await an answer.
THE following episode of the fair Cottager, though short, will be some relief to us both, before we proceed to the catastrophe of the main action, and conclude the History of the unfortunate Maria, whose peculiar fate suffered [Page 195] not her indignities to terminate with her life, but afterwards delivered over her corse into the clutches of the brute Colville, to be carried in the procession of a mock funeral, at Amiens.
She complained to Heaven that her life was protracted, for the augmentation of that misery which was already too severe to be endured; for she shuddered at the prospect of being utterly abandoned in the last stage of mortality, without one friend to close her eyes, or do the last offices of humanity to her breathless corse.
His fancy conveyed her breathless corse to the cold grave, o'er which, perhaps, no tear humane was shed, where her delicate limbs were consigned to dust, where she was dished out a delicious banquet to the unsparing worm.
In the intervals of her delirium she treated me with a tenderness that penetrated my soul: she called me by every name that could express her fondness-she kissed me -suffered the poor clay-cold corse of our little one to be taken from her.-It must not be, said she serenely-Let it be given to the grave-bury it decently-be sure [Page 147] you do not close up the earth-leave a small space for its mother, and all shall be well.
Be pacified-- FREDERICK. --And when you turn your head from my extended corse, you will behold my weeping mother--Need I paint how her eyes will greet you? A thousand times I longed that my corse had lain in death, instead of his.
When the last gasp of agony has announced that I am no more to those that knew me, and the few who loved me; when the cold, stiffened, unconscious, ghastly corse is resigned into the earth, to be the prey of unsightly reptiles, and to become in time a trodden clod, shall I be yet warm in life, seeing and seen, enjoying and enjoyed? To shrink from every dignity of man, at the approach of a lordly piece of self-consequence, who, amid all his tinsel glitter, and stately hauteur, is but a creature formed as thou art--and perhaps not so well formed as thou art--came into the world a puling infant as thou didst, and must go out of it as all men must, a naked corse...
Thou shalt not lack The flower that's like thy face, pale primrose; nor The azured hare-bell, like thy veins; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweeten'd not thy breath: the ruddock would With charitable bill (O bill, fore-shaming The rich-left heirs, that let their fathers lie Without a monument!) bring thee all this; Yea, and furr'd moss besides, when flowers are none, To winter-ground thy corse.
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The word corse
Example sentences with the corse, a sentence example for corse, and how to make corse in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for corse how do I use the word corse in a sentence? How do you spell corse in a sentence? spelling of corse