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Use coronagraph in a sentence - Example Sentences for coronagraph

On ground-based telescopes, a stellar coronagraph can be combined with adaptive optics to search for planets around nearby stars

"The LASCO C-3 coronagraph uses both an external occulter (which casts shadow on the instrument) and an internal occulter (which blocks stray light that is Fresnel-diffracted around the external occulter) to reduce this ""leakage"", and a complicated system of baffles to eliminate stray light scattering off the internal surfaces of the instrument itself."

This is because the complete absence of atmospheric scattering eliminates the largest source of glare present in a terrestrial coronagraph.

The coronagraph has recently been adapted to the challenging task of finding planets around nearby stars.

corona in a sentence .. coronach in a sentence .. C

The word coronagraph

Example sentences with the coronagraph, a sentence example for coronagraph, and how to make coronagraph in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for coronagraph how do I use the word coronagraph in a sentence? How do you spell coronagraph in a sentence? spelling of coronagraph