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Use congresswoman in a sentence - Example Sentences for congresswoman

Former Democratic Congresswoman Pat Schroeder immediately called the subpoena "repugnant to the Bill of Rights" and "a scenario that belongs in Baghdad.

New York will never develop its own cadre of women political leaders if people like Congresswoman Nita Lowey are shut out of the glamour races.

A very friendly reception for the first volume of a biography of one of the best-connected journalist-playwright-congresswoman-ambassadors in history, the wife of Time founder Henry Luce.

As a Republican congresswoman from Connecticut and later, as Eisenhower's ambassador to Italy, she brought a jaunty Realpolitik to the anti-Communist cause.

Although the congresswoman says, "I feel like this weight has been lifted off of me," Bono's mother calls the relationship "disgusting.

"--Some say the president's wire-tapping measures are grotesquely intrusive, but apparently the Republicans want to deploy some sort of shrinking machine that can inject a tiny congresswoman right into your digestive system.

Not only does Congresswoman Prudie have a nice ring, but your constituents/readers would definitely benefit from all the sound advice you could impart to all those bozos such as Tom DeLay currently taking up space in D.

In 1986, with then-Congresswoman Barbara Mikulski running for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by retiring Senator Charles Mathias, Cardin ran for Mikulski’s seat representing the 3rd Congressional District.

Congresswoman Linda T. Sanchez - News Sánchez eventually won, as Bush reversed himself on October 26, 2005 .

Beame outpolled former Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Congressman Herman Badillo and Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton in the 1977 primary.

It was also written by Oregon Congresswoman Edith Green.

Minutes before making the Congresswoman's apology, McKinney's security officer made contact with a TV correspondent outside of the U.S. Capitol.

editor's personal experience with Congresswoman Abzug as co-director of this event.

In addition to the two chief sponsors, H.Res.41 had 54 co-sponsors, including Congresswoman Candice Miller of Michigan, Congressman Danny K. Davis of Illinois and Congressman Alcee Hastings of Florida, who all addressed the House of Representatives in favor of the resolution.

Emily was a political activist, former actress, and subsequent one-term congresswoman at-large from Illinois (1945-47).

On August 19, 2008, while driving her car, Congresswoman Tubbs Jones suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to a burst aneurysm in her brain.

"In 1995, during a private meeting with Congresswoman Nancy Johnson of Connecticut, he called Johnson a ""whore for the insurance industry"" and suggested that her knowledge of health care came solely from ""pillow talk"" with her husband, a physician."

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The word congresswoman

Example sentences with the congresswoman, a sentence example for congresswoman, and how to make congresswoman in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for congresswoman how do I use the word congresswoman in a sentence? How do you spell congresswoman in a sentence? spelling of congresswoman