uptight in a sentence

Example Sentences for "uptight"

She hasn't talked to her dad about her problems at school yet because he's really uptight about his work these days and she doesn't want to bother him.

He's not a very good manager. He gets too uptight about everything so no one likes working under him.

We felt really uptight while we were looking for a used car because we were afraid of getting a bad deal.

You seem a little uptight about something. Is it anything I can help you with?

My boss is an uptight sort of person who doesn't really know how to relax.

Discussion question: What do you do to relax when you are feeling uptight?

Find someone who gets uptight before exams.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the uptight, a sentence example for uptight, and how to make uptight in sample sentence, how do I use the word uptight in a sentence? How do you spell uptight in a sentence? spelling of uptight

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