trunk in a sentence

Example Sentences for "trunk"

You'll have to put that stuff in the back seat of the car because the trunk is already full.

There is a spare tire in the trunk.

The elephant picked the man up with his trunk.

The little elephant was using its trunk to hold on to its mother's tail.

The elephant pushed against the trunk of the tree until it fell over.

While we were on our hike, we found an enormous tree that had a trunk that was about 200 feet around.

The bomb is believed to have been hidden in a large trunk in the luggage compartment of the train.

Sophie's trunk is already packed full of clothes. We'll need another one for her school books.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the trunk, a sentence example for trunk, and how to make trunk in sample sentence, how do I use the word trunk in a sentence? How do you spell trunk in a sentence? spelling of trunk

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