transition in a sentence

Example Sentences for "transition"

The ancient Egyptians viewed death as a transition to a similar existence in a different dimension.

The most widely recognized aim of the educational system is to facilitate the transition from participating in the family to involvement in the affairs of the larger society.

Barbara Yuncker once observed that in the medical sense now, birth is not the beginning, but just a developmental transition.

It is important that the international community monitor the situation in the country during the period of transition following the overthrow of the military regime.

Those in the former communist countries who were hoping for an easy transition to a Western-style, market economy have been deeply disappointed.

The Republic of Georgia is currently undergoing a transition from a communist, centrally-planned economy to an open, free market economy.

Poor and backward by European standards, the tiny nation of Albania is making the difficult transition to a more modern open-market economy.

The transition between sleep and waking has been described by psychologists as a change in one's level of consciousness.

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