thunder in a sentence

Example Sentences for "thunder"

We will never surrender, thundered the general.

We could hear the thundering sound of the waterfall from miles away.

The thunder of the earthquake could be heard from a great distance.

We could hear bombs thundering in the night as we approached the capital city.

When I was little, my parents told me that thunder was the sound that was made when the angels went bowling.

If you count the number of seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder, you can determine how many miles away the lightning struck.

An Armenian proverb observes that thunder clouds do not always give rain.

A Chinese proverb states that words whispered on earth are heard in heaven like thunder; evil done in dark places the gods see like lightning.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the thunder, a sentence example for thunder, and how to make thunder in sample sentence, how do I use the word thunder in a sentence? How do you spell thunder in a sentence? spelling of thunder

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