tease in a sentence

Example Sentences for "tease"

Tina always teases me that she doesn't like my cooking, but I know she's just kidding.

The new secretary is such a tease! She ran her fingers through my hair and told me to give her a call some time.

He began working out in the gym after being teased about his weight by the other boys.

Jimmy teased his little sister about wetting the bed until she began to cry.

She teased her hair with a comb to make it look fuller.

The little boy was teasing the elephant by showing it bananas, and then pulling them away, when the animal whacked him with its trunk.

Find someone who likes to tease others.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the tease, a sentence example for tease, and how to make tease in sample sentence, how do I use the word tease in a sentence? How do you spell tease in a sentence? spelling of tease

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