sue in a sentence

Example Sentences for "sue"

A number of people in Canada are suing the government for experimenting on them with drugs while they were patients in a mental hospital about 40 years ago.

Thousands of woman in this country have filed a suit against a company which manufactures breast implants, after suffering health problems caused by leaks from the implants.

The school was sued by the parents of a young girl who was seriously injured in gym class when a piece of equipment broke while she was using it.

She threatened to sue her neighbor if he ever touched her son, after the neighbor said he would spank the boy for stealing apples from his tree.

In 1990, it was reported that two ex-members of the Swedish rock group Abba were suing their record company for cheating them out of a portion of their royalties.

In December of 1970, Paul McCartney sued the other three Beatles to dissolve their partnership, and gain control of his financial interests.

Fred Allen once joked, "I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, and got my tuition fees back."

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