squeeze in a sentence

Example Sentences for "squeeze"

In one of his novels, Salman Rushdie wrote of a woman who was being stared at by a man, "She could feel his eyes squeezing her breasts."

I've heard that a cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through.

In 1962, astronaut John Glenn ate the first meal in space when he ate applesauce squeezed from a tube aboard a spaceship.

Some snakes squeeze animals to death, and then eat them whole.

Cockroaches have flat bodies, so they can squeeze under things to hide.

Norway's short summer season means farmers have to squeeze a lot of activity into a tight time period.

A Zen proverb remarks that the tighter you squeeze, the less you have.

Excuse me Henry. Can I just squeeze by you there?

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English words and Examples of use

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