sober in a sentence

Example Sentences for "sober"

It was a sobering thought to realize that if I hadn't worn a seatbelt, I could have been seriously injured in the accident.

The young man soberly reflected on his future after being turned down for grad school.

Janet is quite excitable, but her sister is much more sober and thoughtful.

A Chinese proverb advises, "If you want to quit drinking, just look at a drunkard when you're sober."

An African proverb notes that he who is drunk from wine can sober up; he who is drunk from wealth cannot.

A Latin proverb notes that what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.

Replying to a woman who accused him of being drunk, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill remarked, "Yes Madame, I am drunk, but you are ugly, and tomorrow I'll be sober."

British actor Oliver Reed once confessed, "I do not live in the world of sobriety."

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English words and Examples of use

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