snatch in a sentence

Example Sentences for "snatch"

We only heard snatches of my parents' conversation, but I think they were talking about our Christmas presents.

The player snatched the ball out of the air and ran down the field for a touchdown.

The little boy snatched the cookie out of his sister's hand, and stuffed it in his mouth.

A famous politician once said during the war, "We have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat."

The little dog snatched the hotdog out of the boy's hand, and ran off.

As soon as the phone rang, he snatched it up, and put it to his ear.

A woman tried to snatch a baby from the hospital nursery but was stopped by medical personnel.

Horace once advised, "Let us snatch our opportunity from the passing day."

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the snatch, a sentence example for snatch, and how to make snatch in sample sentence, how do I use the word snatch in a sentence? How do you spell snatch in a sentence? spelling of snatch

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