rumor in a sentence

Example Sentences for "rumor"

The best way to stop a rumor is to refuse to help spread it.

Rumor has it that Johnson in payroll is having an affair with the new secretary.

Brad Pitt stated that there was absolutely no truth to the rumor that he is dating Angelina Jolie.

Richard Armour once observed that a rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.

There is a Latin proverb which states that a mind conscious of innocence laughs at the lies of rumor.

Someone once suggested that people will believe anything if you tell them it's a rumor.

In 1969, a tabloid magazine began a rumor that Beatle Paul McCartney was dead, and suggested that there were clues on album covers and in songs to show that it was true.

The French philosopher Voltaire is rumored to have drunk an average of 50 cups of coffee per day.

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English words and Examples of use

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