rid in a sentence

Example Sentences for "rid"

I usually go through my files once in a while to get rid of stuff that is out of date.

In order to wash sand particles out of her eyes, and rid her body of excess salt, the female green turtle sheds tears as she lays her eggs on the beach.

We put out some rat poison to get rid of mice, but our cat ate it, and died.

Let's sort your toys into two piles; those you want to keep, and those you want to get rid of.

You can get rid of some stains in your clothing by putting a bottle of cola in the washing machine.

There is some spyware on my computer that I just can't seem to get rid of.

Her husband is taking an exercise class to get rid of some fat around his waist.

We got ourselves a cat to rid the cabin of mice.

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English words and Examples of use

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