reduce in a sentence

Example Sentences for "reduce"

Jose Ortega y Gasset once stated that civilization is nothing more than the effort to reduce the use of force to the last resort.

The Black Death reduced the population of Europe by one third in the period from 1347 to 1351.

In Asia, human population growth has reduced the elephant population to approximately 40,000.

Between the mid-1860s and 1883, the buffalo population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred.

Researchers have found that allergy sufferers experience a significantly reduced ability to learn.

Aspirin is widely used for relieving pain, and reducing fever in adults.

If governments are serious about stopping terrorism, then our goal must be to reduce the level of poverty in the world.

Studies show that reducing the amount of salt in your diet lowers your blood pressure.

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English words and Examples of use

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