proceed in a sentence

Example Sentences for "proceed"

The prosecution have decided not to proceed with an appeal because of a lack of evidence.

The government has said that construction of the factory will not be allowed to proceed until changes are made to reduce the impact on the environment.

In order for the peace process to proceed, both sides in the conflict need to be more flexible.

Everything is proceeding exactly as planned.

Attention passengers on flight 514 to Honolulu. Please proceed to gate 33 where your plane is now boarding.

The school held a bake sale, and the proceeds were used to help pay for a camping trip for the students.

Only one third of Zambian children proceed from elementary to secondary education.

Henry Louis Mencken once suggested that any man who, having a child or children he can't support, proceeds to have another should be sterilized at once.

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English words and Examples of use

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