print in a sentence

Example Sentences for "print"

It has been said that some people commit a crime for no other reason than to see their name in print.

It took three years of constant printing to complete Johann Gutenberg's famous Bible, which appeared in 1455.

The first paper money printed in the United States was in denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents.

If the name of every insect were printed in an average-size book, it would take about 6,000 pages to list them all.

Stinging insects are attracted to dark colors and floral prints; therefore, wear white or light colored clothing as a safety measure.

In the 1530s, a printing press was set up in Mexico City, and the first newspaper was published in 1541.

Today, 40 percent of the world's newspapers are printed on paper made from Canada's forests.

Joseph Stalin once stated that print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of the communist party.

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