postpone in a sentence

Example Sentences for "postpone"

My professor has postponed the due date for our research projects because so many people said they wouldn't be able to finish on time.

A couple of people have said that they can't come to the meeting, so why don't we just postpone it for a couple of days?

Seneca once suggested that while we are postponing, life speeds up.

An Icelandic proverb states that the revenge that is postponed is not forgotten.

A Filipino proverb suggests, "Postpone today's anger until tomorrow."

A Turkish proverb notes that God postpones; he does not overlook.

A Lebanese proverb tells us, "Do today what you want to postpone until tomorrow."

I'm supposed to die soon, but I'm hoping to postpone for a while.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the postpone, a sentence example for postpone, and how to make postpone in sample sentence, how do I use the word postpone in a sentence? How do you spell postpone in a sentence? spelling of postpone

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