particular in a sentence

Example Sentences for "particular"

Bertrand Russell once said that the place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.

Anne Sullivan once observed that we all like stories that make us cry because it's so nice to feel sad when you've nothing in particular to feel sad about.

Studying a foreign language in the country where it is spoken is the best way to improve language skills, particularly speaking and listening.

Market researchers have discovered that the Chinese make enormous sacrifices for their one child, particularly if it is a boy.

Senegal has a severe shortage of doctors, particularly in rural areas.

Samoa is one of the cheapest countries to visit in the South Pacific, making it a particularly attractive tourist destination for budget travelers.

In Kuwait, the birth of a child is a time of great delight and celebration, particularly if the baby is a boy.

You can sell almost anything these days, particularly if you have Internet access on your computer.

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English words and Examples of use

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