panic in a sentence

Example Sentences for "panic"

The New York stock exchange crashed in October of 1929, as people panicked, and sold their shares.

A thousand years ago, warriors of the Khmer Empire of Cambodia rode elephants into battle, causing panic in the enemy's ranks.

Sometimes, language learners panic, and lose concentration when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary.

In May of 1964, more than 300 soccer fans were killed, and over 500 others were injured during a riot and panic following an unpopular ruling by a referee in a Peru vs. Argentina soccer game.

The first time a moving train was shown on film, the audience panicked, thinking it might hit them.

The thunderstorm sent our cat into a panic, and she hid under our bed for hours.

In July 2005, a wild panda walked into Dujiangyan, China causing panic among residents before she was finally captured by firemen.

Find someone who sometimes panics before exams.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the panic, a sentence example for panic, and how to make panic in sample sentence, how do I use the word panic in a sentence? How do you spell panic in a sentence? spelling of panic

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