ozone in a sentence

Example Sentences for "ozone"

There is a distinct smell of ozone in the big cities.

The destruction of the ozone could lead to the destruction of our entire planet.

Experts say you should avoid midday or afternoon outdoor exercise when ozone smog levels are high.

In 1974, scientists first warned that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) produced by spray cans and air conditioners are destroying the ozone layer.

In 1996, a study showed that a global campaign to lower production of chemicals that damage the ozone layer has succeeded, and that by 2010 the ozone layer will have begun to recover, and by 2050 the Antarctic ozone "hole" will have closed.

The so-called hole in our ozone is actually just an area which is thinner than normal.

The ozone layer is vital to life because it blocks dangerous radiation coming from the sun.

Discussion question: Are you concerned about the destruction of the ozone?

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the ozone, a sentence example for ozone, and how to make ozone in sample sentence, how do I use the word ozone in a sentence? How do you spell ozone in a sentence? spelling of ozone

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