organic in a sentence

Example Sentences for "organic"

Any organic matter will break down with time.

Even organic food shows traces of pesticides because there is so much chemical residue in the soil from past years.

My friend believes that eating organic food reduces one's chances of developing certain types of cancers.

British scientists have discovered evidence supporting the idea that organic produce is healthier than convential produce, and may help prevent heart attacks, cancer and stroke.

There are few greater-tasting pleasures than fresh, organic strawberries on a warm summer day.

You should never put non-organic matter, such as condoms and tampon applicators, in your toilet.

Eliza Farnham once said that the human face is the organic seat of beauty.

Ruth Anshen observed that even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.

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English words and Examples of use

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