oblige in a sentence

Example Sentences for "oblige"

The recent slowdown has obliged us to lay off some staff, at least for the time being.

I don't want to do the work, but I'm kind of obliged to because I've already turned down a project in the last month.

In my ESL class, we are obliged to read one book every two weeks in order to improve our reading and vocabulary in English.

The Tokyo Convention obliges nations to take all necessary action to restore control of a hijacked airplane to its lawful commander.

In Kazakhstan, one is obliged to provide a meal and a bed for any relative who comes to visit.

Every male in Singapore over the age of 18 is obliged to spend two and a half years in the armed forces.

A recent study suggests that many older women still want to have sex, but often find their men cannot oblige.

Please understand that if your product does not improve, we will be obliged to terminate our contract.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the oblige, a sentence example for oblige, and how to make oblige in sample sentence, how do I use the word oblige in a sentence? How do you spell oblige in a sentence? spelling of oblige

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