nonsense in a sentence

Example Sentences for "nonsense"

If you ask me, it's nonsense to suggest that women can't succeed in the business world.

Most of the advertising you see on television is total nonsense. You can't trust anything they say.

She thinks the nonsense she reads in the tabloids is true.

Popular magazines often have stories about famous celebrities, but most of what they report is just nonsense.

The last words of John Sedgewick before being shot by an enemy soldier were, "Nonsense, they couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."

George Bernard Shaw once remarked that there is no subject on which more dangerous nonsense is talked and thought than marriage.

Benjamin Britten once said that the old idea of a composer suddenly having a terrific idea, and sitting up all night to write it is nonsense. Night-time is for sleeping.

Edmond De Goncourt once noted that that which perhaps hears more nonsense than anything in the world is a picture in a museum.

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English words and Examples of use

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