motion in a sentence

Example Sentences for "motion"

Birds don't fly by flapping their wings up and down; the motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side.

The first motion picture copyrighted in the United States in 1894 showed a man in the act of sneezing.

There is evidence to suggest that ginger root is effective against motion sickness and nausea when taken in powdered form.

Because our earth moves very smoothly along its orbit, we feel motionless, and it appears that the sun moves around the sky.

Tai chi, a traditional Chinese martial art, has been described as meditation in motion.

The first color motion pictures, exhibited in 1928 by George Eastman, showed images of flowers, butterflies, peacocks, goldfish, and attractive women.

Recent studies suggest that overweight children exhibit an economy of motion, and expend significantly less energy in their daily activities than normal-weight children.

Isaac Newton observed that every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in so far as it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.

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