material in a sentence

Example Sentences for "material"

LeCorbusier once stated that the materials of city planning are: sky, space, trees, steel and cement; in that order and that hierarchy.

Aluminum, glass, and paper are the three materials most easy to recycle.

Henry Ford once wore a suit and tie made from soy-based material.

In size, materials, and human labor, the Great Wall of China is the largest construction project ever undertaken by man.

Craig Kielburger once remarked that some children may have all they need materially, but often they have no real direction, and very little hope.

Birds use many different materials to build nests.

Although much of our garbage contains valuable raw materials, most of it is simply burned or buried.

Industry is now realizing that everything that is recycled reduces the expense of buying raw materials.

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English words and Examples of use

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