manage in a sentence

Example Sentences for "manage"

Benjamin Franklin wrote that an undutiful daughter will prove an unmanageable wife.

There is a Portuguese proverb which states that good management is better than good income.

Studies show that in 75% of American households, women manage the money, and pay the bills.

American theater managers say they sell the most popcorn during the showing of scary movies.

Before beginning his movie career, Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto, Ontario.

The Foundation for Future Leadership says women bosses score better than men on 28 of 31 management characteristics, such as meeting deadlines, generating ideas, and boosting productivity.

The country of Malta has managed to preserve its culture, despite its contact with foreign influences throughout its 6,000 years of history.

In the rural areas of Costa Rica, girls manage household chores while boys do outdoor tasks such as chopping wood.

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English words and Examples of use

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