log in a sentence

Example Sentences for "log"

The loggers wrapped the tree in steel cables, so it could be lifted out by helicopter.

We must conserve our forests if we want there to be logging jobs for our children and grandchildren.

Logging is one of the main industries of the state of Washington.

We need to reduce the total number of trees that are cut down in this state if we want to continue to have a logging industry in the future.

The exportation of raw logs to Asia and the U.S. continues to be one of this province's most important industries.

The area was reforested about 30 years ago, and is scheduled to be logged in the near future.

The environmental organization Greenpeace has called for a boycott of lumber produced in our state to protest the logging of old growth forest.

Bambi and his mother jumped over the log and escaped into the forest.

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English words and Examples of use

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