limit in a sentence

Example Sentences for "limit"

Someone once said that genius has limits, but stupidity does not.

The greed of some people, such as rich movie stars who do advertising to get even more money, seems to be almost limitless.

Rose Elizabeth Bird once said that it's always the minorities, who aren't a part of the mainstream, who define what the limits of the majority are going to be.

There is a Spanish proverb which states, "Limit your desires, and you will improve your health."

Millions of meteorites fall against the outer limits of the atmosphere every day, and are burned up.

Radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was 16,000 times the safe limit when it was finally closed down.

Strict limitations on car ownership have been imposed in Hong Kong due to its small size, and large population.

Someone once joked that no matter how limited your vocabulary is, it's big enough to let you say something you'll later regret.

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English words and Examples of use

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