intervene in a sentence

Example Sentences for "intervene"

One of the office staff decided to intervene when an argument between a couple of the filing clerks became too intense.

I don't really think it is appropriate for an employer to intervene in the private lives of employees.

If tigers are to survive in the wild, they will need massive human intervention.

In 1979, the U.S. and Jamaica intervened militarily in Grenada in order to prevent the establishment of a communist state on the island.

In August of 1969, the British army arrived in Northern Ireland to intervene in violence between Protestants and Roman Catholics.

In 1974, a Greek-sponsored attempt to seize the government of Cyprus was met by military intervention from Turkey.

In Hungary in 1956, a revolt and announced withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact were met with a massive military intervention by the Soviet Union.

The Norwegian economy features a combination of free market activity and government intervention.

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English words and Examples of use

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