internal in a sentence

Example Sentences for "internal"

Based on research with the human body's internal clock, the period between the hours of 4 and 6 in the afternoon is when people are the most irritable.

The body is supported by the skeleton, which also serves to protect the internal organs.

The native peoples of this country are divided internally by both language and culture.

Both Sigmund Freud and Margaret Mead were concerned with the question of how society's notions about proper behavior are internalized by a child.

Cold-blooded means that an animal doesn't have the ability to maintain an internal body temperature all the time; they must rely on the sun to warm them up.

Electrical burns often look minor on the outside, but electricity can cause serious internal damage.

Internal air travel is not really necessary in Kuwait due to its small size.

The main function of human skin is to keep the internal organs from drying up, and to prevent harmful germs from getting inside.

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English words and Examples of use

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