impress in a sentence

Example Sentences for "impress"

Edward, Duke of Windsor once said, "The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children."

William Rogers once remarked that too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.

Though human noses have an impressive 5 million olfactory cells with which to smell, sheepdogs have 220 million, enabling them to smell 44 times better than man.

The ancient Sumerian writing form, representing words with symbols, was impressed onto wet clay with a reed pen, and baked hard in the sun.

The human eyes can perceive more than 1 million simultaneous visual impressions, and are able to discriminate among nearly 8 million gradations of color.

As a child, Beethoven made such a poor impression on his music teachers that he was pronounced hopeless as a composer.

The Roman historian Pliny was so impressed by garlic and its healing powers that he listed 61 different medicinal uses for it.

Male peacocks shake their tails to impress the females.

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