implicit in a sentence

Example Sentences for "implicit"

The President's remarks concerning the Prime Minister's reaction to the conflict have been widely interpreted as implicit criticism of his handling of the affair.

The rebels succeeded in overthrowing the government, aided by the implicit cooperation of the U.S. government.

Any aid given to developing countries by the developed nations seems to carry with it an implicit agreement that the developed country will get something in return.

Implicit in the extreme right-wing party's political platform is the belief that those who are poor have only themselves to blame.

Young children have an unquestioning and implicit faith in their parents' decisions.

Implicit in the government's agreement to reduce taxes for the company is a promise by the company to provide more jobs for local workers.

Children don't need to study their native language; their language learning occurs implicitly, not through explicit instruction.

Patricia Meyer Spacks once suggested that the vanity of men, a constant insult to women, is also the ground for the implicit feminine claim of superior sensitivity and morality.

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