horn in a sentence

Example Sentences for "horn"

Everyone was blowing horns, and banging pots to celebrate the New Year.

Henry Morgan once joked that a careful driver honks his horn as he goes through a red light.

Giraffes are the only animals born with horns.

The water buffalo has the largest horns of all living animals, with the largest horns on record, measuring over 4 meters from tip to tip.

Boromir blew his great horn to call for help as the orcs began to attack him.

The rhinoceros uses its horn not only in battles for territory or females, but also to defend itself from lions or other attackers.

If enemies attack rhinos, they charge at them, horn first.

Buffalo will often rub their horns on the ground to threaten an opponent.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the horn, a sentence example for horn, and how to make horn in sample sentence, how do I use the word horn in a sentence? How do you spell horn in a sentence? spelling of horn

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