harm in a sentence

Example Sentences for "harm"

The Greek physician Hippocrates once said that one should make a habit of two things: to help or at least to do no harm.

There is a Sanskrit proverb which holds that you sometimes forget the harm that was done to you, but never the harm you have done to others.

A squirrel can fall over 100 feet and remain unharmed because they use their tails as parachutes to help slow their descent.

The largest fish in the world is the whale shark, which is actually harmless because they eat only tiny plankton.

Drinking a little alcohol is really quite harmless. In fact, some studies have suggested it can even be good for your health.

Most snakes living near water are harmless, though most will bite if cornered.

Discussion question: Which do you consider to be more harmful to society, cigarettes or alcohol?

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English words and Examples of use

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