halt in a sentence

Example Sentences for "halt"

The soldiers came to a halt at the crossroads.

It is difficult to halt the cycle of abuse within a family.

The continuing conflict between the Armenians and Azeris in Azerbaijan has halted foreign investment in the country.

The government of Algeria has planted rows of trees in an area known as the Green Barrier, in an effort to halt the spread of the desert.

In 1973, American bombing raids in Cambodia ended, marking an official halt to 12 years of fighting in Indochina.

The Olympic Games were so important to the ancient Greeks that all wars on Greek territory were halted to allow athletes to travel safely to Olympia in order to participate.

Efforts at economic reform in the Republic of the Congo came to a halt in June 1997 when civil war erupted.

R. I. Rees once suggested that education is a continuous process ending only when ambition comes to a halt.

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