fraud in a sentence

Example Sentences for "fraud"

There is a Gaelic proverb which says that there is no greater fraud than a promise not kept.

Sophocles observed that it is better to fail with honor than succeed by fraud.

He was arrested for making a fraudulent claim for social assistance benefits.

Many people are taken in each year by medical fraud, and worthless health products.

In 1994, a Jerusalem court found the former heads of Israel's top four banks guilty of fraud in a scandal that cost the government $9 billion.

Following the fraudulent elections of May 2000, international donors suspended almost all aid to Haiti.

The police found over 20,000 fraudulent credit cards during a raid on a private home.

He was fired from his job after trying to defraud the company of over $10,000 for expenses he didn't actually have.

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English words and Examples of use

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