fool in a sentence

Example Sentences for "fool"

There is an Icelandic proverb which states that useless wisdom is double foolishness.

There is an old expression which observes that you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.

Voltaire considered Shakespeare's works so bad that he referred to the great writer as "that drunken fool."

Someone once joked, "When a man asks you what you think of him, fool him, and give him your honest opinion."

He was all dressed up in fancy clothes, trying to look cool, but he just looked like a fool to me.

You kids need to stop fooling around, and do your homework!

Passing a car on a curving road is not only foolish, but extremely dangerous.

He foolishly tried to drive home from the pub, thinking he could bluff his way through the police roadblock.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the fool, a sentence example for fool, and how to make fool in sample sentence, how do I use the word fool in a sentence? How do you spell fool in a sentence? spelling of fool

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