extract in a sentence

Example Sentences for "extract"

Oil companies have a long history of collaborating with repressive governments to extract valuable resources with little concern for the people who live near them.

During the Ch'ing dynasty, the local nobility and elite of China supported themselves by extracting taxes and rents from the common people.

Thick soy sauce, used by restaurants to give fried rice its dark color, is made from soy bean extract and molasses.

Vampire bats are able to extract their dinner of blood in approximately 20 minutes.

From 4,000 kilograms of roses, which totals about 55,000 blossoms, one kilogram of costly rose essence can be extracted to be used as a component in fragrances.

Someone once said that the essence of intelligence is skill in extracting meaning from everyday experience.

Protesters have managed to extract a promise from the large corporation to improve working conditions in its overseas factories.

The color and flavor of honey depends on how old the honey is, and the kind of flower that the nectar was extracted from.

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