explain in a sentence

Example Sentences for "explain"

Your teacher phoned today to say you were causing problems in class. I think you have some real explaining to do!

My friend saw you kissing another girl. I want an explanation.

The teacher explained the grammar point to the class.

Georges Braque once said that there is only one valuable thing in art - the thing you cannot explain.

There is a Spanish proverb which states, "I cried when I was born, and every day explains why."

You children need to give me a good explanation for why you haven't done your homework yet.

When learning new vocabulary, in addition to translating it in your notebooks, try explaining the word in English.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the explain, a sentence example for explain, and how to make explain in sample sentence, how do I use the word explain in a sentence? How do you spell explain in a sentence? spelling of explain

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