expense in a sentence

Example Sentences for "expense"

A Brazilian proverb states that a wise man learns at the fool's expense.

Joe L. Griffith once remarked that good quality is cheap; it's poor quality that is expensive.

There is a Kikuyu proverb which states that peace is costly, but it is worth the expense.

Our expenditures for this month are much higher than usual, so our profits are down.

To save money on your food bill at the grocery store, look down; less costly items are often on bottom shelves, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.

The world's most expensive food is saffron, which sells for as much as $2,000 per ounce!

The human rights organization Amnesty International warns that in many countries, development is being pursued at the expense of human rights.

Someone once joked that a vacation is a holiday from everything except expenses.

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English words and Examples of use

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