enthusiasm in a sentence

Example Sentences for "enthusiasm"

Jamie is really enthusiastic about his new job, and talks about it all the time.

The students enthusiastically supported the suggestion of taking a couple of days' break from homework.

Enthusiastic Canadian fans began to sing "O Canada" in the final minutes of the 2002 Olympics gold medal hockey game.

The government of Eritrea is attempting to develop its Dahlak Islands into tourist resorts to attract diving and beach enthusiasts.

Our natural products appeal to outdoor enthusiasts and environmentalists.

When giving a presentation, be enthusiastic - it will help to make your audience stay interested in what you have to say.

Many teenagers are enthusiastic consumers of fast food.

Find someone who is enthusiastic about studying English.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the enthusiasm, a sentence example for enthusiasm, and how to make enthusiasm in sample sentence, how do I use the word enthusiasm in a sentence? How do you spell enthusiasm in a sentence? spelling of enthusiasm

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