encounter in a sentence

Example Sentences for "encounter"

For most children, enrolling in school is their first encounter with a formal institution.

A fatal encounter with a grizzly bear has left one man in hospital, and another man dead this morning.

Albert Einstein once said that great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

We encountered a number of difficulties during our week-long hike along the coast, but we were able to overcome each one of them by working as a team.

Laurence Perrine once observed that, like a symphony by Beethoven, a good story should be as good or better on a second or third encounter.

Wind tunnels simulate the conditions a vehicle will encounter when it moves through the air.

Travelling allows you to encounter new ideas, and new ways of living.

Whenever you read a scientific or technical text in English, you will probably encounter many words you do not know.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the encounter, a sentence example for encounter, and how to make encounter in sample sentence, how do I use the word encounter in a sentence? How do you spell encounter in a sentence? spelling of encounter

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