emerge in a sentence

Example Sentences for "emerge"

Studies show that riots emerge mainly in those cities where disorderly tactics can work - where riots stand a chance of getting results other than all-out repression.

A person who emerges from childhood without a strong motivation to achieve is unlikely to do well in medical school.

In the 50,000 years since the emergence of fully human culture, our entire world has been occupied and people have been diversified into about 5000 different groups.

The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

The Minoan civilization emerged on the island of Crete around 2500 B.C.

Muhammad emerged as a prophet to his people around 610 A.D.

Rome emerged as the major power in Italy after 500 B.C.

During the trial, it emerged that the suspect had threatened to kill the victim the night before he was found dead in his apartment.

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English words and Examples of use

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