ego in a sentence

Example Sentences for "ego"

He is such an egotist that he thinks all the girls at school are in love with him.

His egotism is going to get him in trouble because he never takes anyone else's opinions seriously.

Colin Powell once said, "Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position fails your ego goes with it."

Chess master Bobby Fischer once remarked, "I like the moment when I break a man's ego."

Molly Wiest once said that war is the biggest ego trip of all time.

Dean Acheson once suggested that the great corrupter of public man is the ego. Looking at the mirror distracts one's attention from the problem.

William Proxmire once claimed that the limousine is the ultimate ego trip, the supreme sign of success. It shouts: "Hey, this guy is really and truly Mr Big."

Emile Chevalier once observed that appearances give us more pleasure than reality, especially when they help to satisfy our egos.

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English words and Examples of use

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