efficient in a sentence

Example Sentences for "efficient"

Memorizing a long list of sentences is not a very efficient way of learning vocabulary. You need to look at a variety of contexts in order to really understand the word or expression.

The new boss took measures to make the factory much more efficient.

Ernst Fischer once said that as machines become more and more efficient and perfect, so it will become clear that imperfection is the greatness of man.

Early guns took so long to load and fire that bows and arrows, in trained hands, were twelve times more efficient.

Recent studies suggest that people who sleep less than average (less than 6 hours a night) are more organized and efficient than those who sleep more.

You have to understand how a business really works to actually be able to make it more efficient.

Automobile engines work at lower efficiency in the thin air found in the high mountains of Bolivia.

The modern businessman is now learning that efficient use of energy and materials, and a reduction in waste can actually increase profits.

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English words and Examples of use

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