dismiss in a sentence

Example Sentences for "dismiss"

If criminal activity is suspected in regards to a bank account in Switzerland, the bank's respect for the secrecy of the client can be dismissed.

In May of 1912, fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs in a publishing company in the U.S. for dancing at work.

When economic reforms in China authorized managers to dismiss workers to boost productivity, women were the first to be let go.

According to a recent survey, only 13 percent of respondents dismiss altogether the possibility of life after death.

After Croatia became an independent republic, there was a mass dismissal of the Serbian community from public service jobs.

As soon as you have written down the homework assignment, you may be dismissed.

J. A. Hadfield once said that the art of resting the mind, and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry, is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men.

In June of 1981, Iranian President Bani-Sadr was dismissed by Ayatollah Khomeini.

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