contaminate in a sentence

Example Sentences for "contaminate"

The positive atmosphere in the office was contaminated by the new secretary, who was a very negative, disagreeable person.

You should always boil your water when you go camping because it could be contaminated.

Much of the soil in the southern region of Belarus has been contaminated by the 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl.

Since the explosion of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, one fifth of the total landmass of Belarus has become a zone of radioactive contamination.

Many of the rural wells of Moldova are either drying up or are contaminated with minerals or bacteria.

According to a popular travel guide, aside from the possibility of contaminated drinking water in remote areas, Lesotho is a fairly safe place to visit, health-wise.

In 1957, nuclear wastes stored by the Soviet Union in a remote mountain region of the Urals exploded: radioactive contamination affected thousands of square miles, and several villages had to be permanently evacuated.

Many diseases are spread by contaminated food.

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